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Upcoming Events

Wednesday 05th February 6.30-7.45pm - FUSE 4-15 Years

Sunday 09th February 11am - Morning Service

Tuesday 04th February 8pm - Prayer Meeting & Bible Study

Sunday 09th February 6.30pm - Evening Service (Ricky Malone)


We are a community of people passionate about God.


Excitement is growing amongst our folks because God is changing lives.


Living for Jesus means living with purpose and destiny.


Christ died for your sins so that you can live life in the fullness of God.


Our aim is to love God, learn to love ourselves in God and show that love to others.


Mission means reaching out, so please accept our invitation.


Experience God's life changing power; it is what you are truly looking for.

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Armagh Elim is a Pentecostal church based on the Drummanmore road.


Empowering children and Young People to make positive live choices and to have their own personal relationship with God with great Bible teaching in a fun and relaxed atmosphere.


We offer a wide range of church activities that cater for every age of life.

  • that the Bible is the inspired word of God, still relevant for our lives today.

  • in a living God (Father, Son, and Spirit) who has, does, and always will exist.

  • that Jesus was born of a virgin, lived a sinless life, performed miracles, died on a cross (for us), and rose from the dead, going back into Heaven, and remains there today. One day He will return to earth for all believers and judge the earth.

  • that all of us have chosen to offend God, by doing wrong. We all need to seek forgiveness.

  • that there is only one way to everlasting life with God in Heaven, that is, through faith, to believe that Jesus is the Son of God, that He died on a cross (paying the price for all our wrong doing), and came back to life three days later.

  • that water baptism is for all those people who choose to believe in Jesus and what He did on the cross.

  • that the Holy Spirit 'baptises' all believers in power, blessing them with supernatural gifts, including speaking in tongues, prophesying and healing.

  • that all believers should live pure lives (as God helps them), in obedience to Him.

  • that God does heal today.

  • that Jesus commands all believers to remember His death. We symbolise this through eating bread (His body) and drinking fruit juice (His blood).

  • that one day all will rise from the dead, be judged by God, and spend eternity either in His presence, or in a real Hell, according to their acceptance of, and faith in Jesus.


Armagh Elim Church

Drummanmore Road


BT61 8RN


Morning: 11am

Evening: 6pm

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Armagh Elim Christian Fellowship, an Elim Pentecostal Church   

Elim Foursquare Gospel Alliance. Registered Charity 251549 (England & Wales) SC037754 (Scotland)     

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